LAST week I and three other opponents of moving the record office from Trowbridge addressed the county council's Cabinet. As well as the many reasons for not doing so, new ones, such as the overwhelming support Trowbridge has among the office's users, were put forward. These, as we expected, made no difference, the Cabinet persisting in the intention to make an application to the HLF for the Chippenham site.

The councillors who spoke in reply did not argue with what had been said, but made two points: one, that the Chippenham site was essential for keeping Swindon 'on board', and two, that if we persisted in our opposition to it we should endanger the whole project.

You will see the implications of these two taken together. The decision to move the record office away from the county town, arrived at after an Options Review which the county's own Scrutiny Group found was seriously flawed, must not any longer be questioned. The whole of the south of the county must acquiesce in being disadvantaged. Is it not time instead for Swindon to be told support for the Chippenham site in the rest of Wiltshire is insufficient, and to be asked to re-consider?


East Town,

West Ashton.