THOSE who have wished to see the new records office sited in Trowbridge continue to campaign assiduously and they are to be complimented on their efforts on behalf of the town.

However there comes a time in any campaign when continued opposition to a democratically arrived at decision can do more harm than good. We have to accept any new record office has to be shared by Swindon and Wiltshire and its siting must, therefore, be agreed by both. The only town which has proved acceptable to both parties is Chippenham and with plans well advanced for a site in that town there is no longer any possibility of an alternative.

I must, therefore, appeal to all those who are disappointed by this decision to accept the inevitable and back the county in its efforts to keep this very important project in Wiltshire. The success of our bid to the Heritage and Lottery Fund for a grant will be dependent, to some extent, on a unified and agreed approach from Swindon and ourselves. It is no exaggeration to suggest that continued public objections to our carefully considered and democratically arrived at decision could result in our records being permanently moved to London.


Deputy Leader,

Wiltshire County Council.