I WOULD like to offer my congratulations to the organisers of the Peace March, which recently took place in London and in towns and cities all over the UK.

It was truly amazing so many people took part and I admire them for taking to the streets for something they felt so strongly about, namely Peace. However, several thoughts occurred to me and I wonder if these well-meaning people had given the concept any deeper thought. By demonstrating so loudly they didn't want war, they have, I feel, ensured that war will actually take place.

Iraq has defied the UN for 12 years and the only concessions it has given, and those have been given recently, have been because of threats of force by the USA, with UN backing. Iraq is an expert on walking a tightrope, and will only give way reluctantly.

She now knows that, because of France, Germany and a few other countries, appear to be very reluctant to go to war to carry out the will of the UN (resolution 1441), and that millions around the free world protest about war, then they will feel that they can prolong the whole issue and nothing will come of it.

Should this happen and the powerful people protest wins, the authority of the UN is undermined and it will become meaningless, remember the League of Nations. If the will of the UN is not carried out, any other nation will feel that it can do what it likes.

This will also undermine the US, and if they do not take action, who will? Europe, Russia? Undermine them and they could either go it alone or back their pre war isolation and chaos will reign. Is that what the peace demonstrators want? Remember what happened when Hitler and Mussolini (in 1935 over Abyssinia) were appeased.

It takes two sides to make a war, and surely if the world wants peace, then Iraq must be made to disarm. Why cannot the Peace people demonstrate against Iraq? After all they have killed many thousands of their own people, and deny the freedom of speech, human rights and the medicines, etc, that can be bought with the money earned by the sale of oil that the UN allows them to sell. The mere fact Saddam prefers to buy weapons with the money Iraq earns, appears to be irrelevant and unimportant.

Another ironic fact I noticed about the march was the mass of CND banners. Here was a group of well-meaning people protesting about the West or the US and UK possibly going to war to stop a country from having its own weapons of mass destruction. Is it right for them to have these dreadful weapons but not their own countries? A strange world we live in, but everyone must remember at least we can protest and march, and we are not likely to be gassed by our own Government.


Winsley Road,

Bradford on Avon.