I WRITE with reference to the photograph of the Conigre on March 7.

Myself and my brother Desmond Hungerford lived in the houses with the two steps.

This house was known as number 30 British Row.

Our house also ran over the Arches. The third top window.

The house on the left was known as the Usher's Sign Shop.

The corner house was actually two flats. Mr and Mrs Charmers lived in the bottom flat and Mr and Mrs Baker lived in the one above. After Mrs Charmers moved, Mrs Walsh and family moved in.

We lived at number 30 from 1938 to 1949 when we then moved to 31 Church Street. This was next door to Hunts Shoe Repair.

Between the corner and Hunts was another shop. This was Mr Butcher's carpenters shop. Further up the road past Fernley House was Gunstone's Bakery.


Rambler Close,
