BOX Parish Council is considering a name and shame campaign to expose owners who let their dogs foul on the recreation ground.

Chairman Derek Lovell said many people think the ground is a dog's toilet and it is becoming a real problem.

"It is dangerous for the children who play there because dog mess carries many nasty diseases. It is also extremely unpleasant for the grounds man," he said.

The site is protected by a Keep on Lead by-law and there are two dog bins on the site, but many people are ignoring them.

The problem is mainly being caused by dog owners from outside the parish who come into Box to walk their dogs.

"Some of them drive in and sit in their car reading the paper and just let their dogs out to go and do their business on the Rec.," said Mr Lovell.

As well as the £1,000 fines that can be imposed on dog owners, the council is now looking into whether it would be legal to start a name and shame campaign. The parish council will be meeting on March 27 to discuss what action to take.