The wholly unfounded comments from DM Colcomb about the Record Office project in last week's Gazette cannot be allowed to pass without reply.

As chairman of the cabinet meeting to which your correspondent referred, I must point out that the only decision taken at that meeting, relative to the Record Office, was one to confirm an application to the Heritage and Lottery Board for funding.

The decision to site the office in Chippenham, and purchase the necessary land, was taken by the full county council many weeks ago.

This alone answers the "serious questions concerning political accountability"

Moreover, none of the North Wiltshire district councillors who were present at cabinet are members of that council's ruling administration and to suggest that they engineered a "stitch up" for the benefit of that council is as wrong as it is offensive.

County councillors take decisions on county-wide issues, such as the Record Office, which they believe to be in the best interests of Wiltshire, uninfluenced by which division and/or ward they happen to represent at county and/or district level.

Jane Scott

Deputy Leader

Wiltshire County Council