I AM writing to express my disappointment at opening the Wiltshire Times last week (March 14).

On page 2, quite rightly, there is a picture of the winner, Mrs Usher, receiving her prize from Roger Cook. The event was described correctly and yet there is no mention at all of our college strings' and choir's performance.

Whilst we did not agree to perform at the event for publicity reasons but as a service to the local community and in response to an invitation by the Trowbridge Chamber of Commerce, the failure to mention that we performed is not what has caused me to express my disappointment.

It is the fact that, at last year's Trowbridge Employee of the Year competition, your newspaper highlighted on its leading pages the performance of a neighbouring school, which caused great distress to the staff, parents and pupils of that school.

The debate on that performance which offended some people present continued for at least two issues in which the standards of young people in the school were discussed.

This year you were present at the same event where high standards of school uniform from students, aged 15-19 years, were displayed as well as lovely singing performed in a manner fitting to the students of Trowbridge. You heard Trevor Heeks, the town crier, describe their performance as "beautiful" and that the students were "ambassadors for England". You heard the mayor of Trowbridge highlight the performance as indicative of the good that young people in this town can display at a public event.

It is sad when the local paper does not give credence to good news.



St Augustine's Catholic College,

Wingfield Road,
