BY the time this letter is published the UK is probably at war with Iraq.

I am writing to express my support for the members of our armed forces from Wiltshire and their families.

However, I do not agree with the war. It is right to respect and feel concern for those who put their lives at risk for what they believe is their duty.

It must be difficult for many soldiers, sailors and airmen who are receiving very mixed messages to what their duty is, and trying to decide whether the war they are fighting in is legal or supported by the wider national and world community.

All we can ask is that the individuals in the armed forces try to minimise casualties on both sides. It must be remembered that many Iraqi soldiers in their foxholes and old tanks are conscripts, and are as much a victim of circumstance as the British soldier.

Whilst politicians insist that we are fighting Saddam, it is the 19-year-old Iraqi conscripts, their girlfriends, wives and children who will suffer the most.

Pray for a short war for all soldiers and civilians on both sides.

Whether it will lead to a lasting peace in Iraq and the Middle East only history will know.

Sadly, I fear that a world peace is now even further away.


Union Street,
