While I understand the reasoning behind the council's installation of speed humps and various other suspension jarring measures in the Parks area, I would like to understand the logic of some of the schemes and have some idea how these measures were deemed satisfactory to spend so much money on.

Speed humps have been installed in my street, apparently to slow vehicles down.

The vast majority of vehicles are unaffected by these humps.

Secondly, as so many people park on the humps and double yellow lines on the estate, as well as drive over and block paths and churn up the grass verges with impunity, invariably you have to drive on the wrong side of the road to pass these vehicles.

Hence the convenient arrows to warn you of the humps are not visible, resulting in more damage to the suspension.

Finally, the road narrowing measures with the priority arrows make a great challenge to a growing number of drivers, who speed up to race through the gap, which is the complete opposite of the desired affect, playing their game of chicken with cars which suposedly have right of way.

Unfortunately, I do not believe the 20mph limit on the estates will be adhered to, with the bottlenecks and queues created by these traffic clogging measures, only increasing the number of collisions and injuries.


Leighton Avenue
