THE Steam museum is turning the clock back more than 60 years for its young visitors this week.

Around 1,300 children from 29 schools across the South West are visiting the Swindon museum over the next two weeks to attend an event focusing on the Second World War.

Called We'll Meet Again, it covers topics as diverse as the Blitz, the role of women at war and the evacuation of children from the cities and the Home Front.

Three schools attended the event on Monday, one each from Stroud, Bristol and Wootton-under-Edge in Gloucestershire.

Tim Bryan, interpretation and collection manager at the museum said: "The first day went extremely well, and we now have the event down to a fine art.

"The children seem to enjoy the whole day, talking and questioning our retired railwaymen who were evacuated during the war, they all really enjoyed hearing about their experiences."

We'll Meet Again runs until April 4.

This is the second time the event has taken place at the Steam Museum.

It has proved to be so popular that the museum has had to run a second session of the event in October.

Visitors to the museum on Saturday and Sunday, April 12 and 13 will also be able to experience life in wartime Britain with vehicle displays and the opportunity to meet the Home Guard, Land Girls and military personnel.