TORIES have pledged to put an extra 341 police officers on the streets of Wiltshire by scrapping the government's asylum system.

Conservative leader Iain Duncan Smith wants to introduce a strict quota on the number of refugees claiming it would save up to £1.7 billion per year.

And he has promised to spend a significant chunk of that cash on recruiting new police officers and putting them on the beat.

Under the Tory plans, the number of bobbies in Wiltshire would rise by 45 within 12 months of an election victory and by 341 over an eight-year period.

After two terms of government, the total number of officers would stand at 1,521, compared to a current estimated strength of 1,180.

A Conservative spokes-man said: "An effective system of neighbourhood policing is vital to reclaiming our streets across the area for the honest citizen."