OUT of their own mouths they condemn themselves.

The statement by Westbury works manager for Blue Circle La Farge, we "can clean up what comes out of our chimney."

Too right you can Blue Circle, you have known this for years but what have you done?

The answer of course is nothing, zip, zilch, zero. Not one filter.

You just take the money £40 a tonne for tyres, that's £2 you pay for its end of life disposal, but the company sees this as a bonus for the shareholder, not an opportunity to clean up its act.

What else does John Collison say?

"We expect to be able to operate to the new conditions with immediate effect."

The question that is most blindingly obvious is Why have you not done this before?

It is as I have indicated over the past eight years that you have to drag this industry, screaming and resisting, to face up to its environmental responsibilities.

Even now we are years behind Europe and America who frankly would not contemplate trying to get SLF solvents burnt in their kilns, that's Westbury's forthcoming fate.

If you wish to show this company that you oppose this application for solvents and are concerned about health, please come to our march on the company, onApril 5 at 10.30am, meet 10am in Westbury Market Place.


