IT is a mean spirit indeed that does not feel happy when people who have a history of being dealt bad hands suddenly draw four aces.

So who can feel anything but pleasure on behalf of the residents of the Broad Street area, which may be given a £1 million revamp involving rebuilding the entire street scene?

For too many years, decent people in the Broad Street and Manchester Road zones of the town have had their lives disrupted by the presence of prostitutes and the criminals and inadequate men they attract.

Thanks to the determined campaigning of residents and the commitment of their local councillor, John Taylor, and the council's legal team, things began to look up in January when some of the most persistent prostitutes were banned. It is hoped that the creation of a so-called Home Zone becomes reality.

Such a move, it is to be hoped, would eliminate the last of the squalid elements and give the decent people of the area the break they have deserved these many long years.