WHAT a farce the local elections were. On April 22 I received a letter saying the Bryer Ash Park Polling Station would not now be available and I would therefore be obliged to cast my vote at the cricket club.

However, if I preferred it I could vote by post if I returned the form immediately. I literally returned it 10 minutes after I received it but by polling day had received nothing. I telephoned West Wiltshire District Council and was informed I must have missed the deadline, 5pm on April 25 and the council could not be held responsible for "Royal Mail being slow!"

If this situation occurred across the region it makes a complete mockery of the election. To make matters worse, the standard of the various candidates' leaflets was at best lacklustre and at worst full of spelling mistakes, bad grammar and gibberish. Furthermore, not one candidate bothered to knock on my door to attempt to solicit my vote. Probably just as well really.


Linden Place,
