TODDLERS and their parents took part in a morning of family fun at Walcot Library.

The event marked the 10th anniversary of the community-funded Swindon Bookstart Scheme that aims to encourage parents to read to their children from an early age.

Toddlers got involved in story telling, music and rhymes, and a craft session based around the classic children's book The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Overseeing the event was librarian and Bookstart co-ordinator Robin Griffiths. She said: "Everyone coming here today will receive a special pack which contains story books crayons and drawing pads.

"Bookstart encourages parents to share books with their babies after research showed clear advantages on starting school amongst children who had been introduced to books from an early age."

Mother Danuta Browne, 34, attended the session with her 16-month-old daughter Taylor-Anne Northmoore. She said: "I think sessions like these are a good idea. I am a big believer in encouraging children to read from an early age."