TRAFFIC lights, humps or do nothing were the options available to curb the dangers to pedestrians on Bristol Street, Malmesbury.

At two meetings held last Wednesday and Thursday more than 50 people turned out to listen to the arguments for each option.

Maurice Cleaver, 59, of Bristol Street said that measures should curb speeding drivers.

He said: "I have come with a fairly open mind. Of the three options, doing nothing is a cop out. I think possibly the traffic lights option might be the best but I am not sure it will stop the people who drive in the style of boy racers."

Voting on the options has been ongoing since last month. Voting slips have been posted through doors and have also been available at an exhibition on the proposals in the town hall last week and at the meetings.

The county council has a £45-£50,000 budget for the project.

The traffic lights scheme, with pavement widening would fall within that budget. Speed humps will cost an estimated £55,000.