A number of issues arise from the recent revelation of a substantial increase in the salary of Mark Boden.

Of principle concern to all members of the community must be the actions of the elected members of the council who, apparently, rubber-stamped the recommendations of a sub-committee without proper debate.

We do not elect councillors to neglect their duty in this manner; if it is, indeed, so.

That Chris Humphries, a Conservative, endorses such an increase demonstrates the malaise that seems to affect so much of our local government; a philosophy generally referred to as laissez faire.

At a salary of £75,000 there must be many capable candidates for the post and, if that is not enough for Mr Boden, then he could resign and be replaced.

It is a fundamental Conservative mantra that taxes should be reduced whereever possible but the council tax payers and electors of Kennet District have seen little evidence of their local representatives taking steps to bring this about.

Strong resistance to central Government's financial attack on local government should be evident and continuous. Without it, no councillor should assume re-election.

J Evans
