I FIND it extraordinary that we readily accept the increase of approximately 15 per cent in the council tax for this year, on top of 8.2 per cent last year, well above the cost of living index, and no questions are asked,

Somebody must be held responsible, particularly when the chief executive of Kennet has watched over the steady increase in council tax from four per cent to 15 per cent during the past three years and now we learn he is to receive a 20 per cent increase in salary greater men in similar situations have resigned.

The level of incompetence over the alterations to Devizes Market Place, Devizes and the cost over which there appeared to be no control should also be remembered.

When, during the alterations, tax payers had to attempt the dangerous access to shops, banks etc there were no signs of Health and Safety officers.

I chose not to visit my bank for nearly three weeks because of the dangerous approach and likelihood of an accident, what would be the council's position when it comes to public liability?

The parking places in the Market Place have been altered so many times during the course of the last 12 months that costs must be mounting, yet no redress is possible where the planning department is concerned.

Following recent elections, councillors must acknowledge that they have a moral obligation to curb expenditure, particularly since the Conservatives hold power and are opposed to high taxation.

