A CHARITY which helps disabled people in Swindon find work is running a job club to give more help.

John Green, manager of the trust, Working for Opport-unities, hopes that the club will give disabled people the chance to support each other in their quest for employment.

He said: "It is all about self help. We want people to encourage and motivate each other."

Starting in June, the job club will meet once a week at the Shaftesbury Centre in Rodbourne Cheney.

It will allow members registered with the charity to find jobs, fill in application forms and write CVs.

Members will also get the chance to brush up on their interview techniques.

John said: "People often get nervous in interview situations, so this is a chance for them to get a bit of practice and get used to the questions."

Swindon Council's Com-munity Based and Economic Initiative Training Grant will fund the job club with £9,000.

Working for Opportunities has also received funding from the Steps to Learning Partnership.

This has gone towards a range of software including a speech recognition programme that enables people with dyslexia to use it.

For further information contact Working for Opportunities on 01793 514055, extension 4758 or e-mail admin.wfo@scamp.org.uk