THE North Wiltshire Local Plan - a blueprint for the future development of the area - fails to provide a sustainable pattern of land uses, Swindon Council's cabinet will be told tonight.

An unpublished report to be tabled before the cabinet reads: "The plan fails to achieve two of its five aims. By under allocating its housing quantum the plan fails to provide a sustainable pattern of land uses in that it will provide insufficient accommodation to meet identified needs within the district, which will not be socially, economically or environmentally sustainable in the medium to long-term."

Members of the cabinet will also hear that the housing provision in the plan is 10 per cent below what is required, placing extra pressure on neighbouring authorities like Swindon.

The local plan contains policies on housing, employment, transport, business development and tourism up to 2011. In theory, these policies should accord with the provisions of the adopted Wiltshire Structure Plan.

Produced next year with a public inquiry in 2004/05, the plan will be formally adopted in 2006.

The cabinet meeting is held at the Civic Offices in Euclid Street at 6pm and is open to the public. Call 01793 463000 for details.