I WOULD like to congratulate and thank Bob Berry and his team, as well as the Rotary Club of Chippenham, for the usual exceptional organisation and commitment which has led to this year's excellent Chippenham Folk Festival.

This is truly the highlight of Chippenham's summer months and it never ceases to amaze me that each year, whatever the weather, thousands of people from near and far flock to our town for three days of dance, music and good fun, all enjoyed with boundless enthusiasm and good humour.

The crowds and participants are young and old from all walks of life.

Some of the dance teams this year were exclusively young people whom one would normally expect to be in clubs on a weekend rather than giving their all at ceilidh.

The whole event from beginning to end is a feast of colour and good hearted merriment.

There is free entertainment for the shoppers of Chippenham on Saturday and countless other individuals and families for the rest of the weekend.

For the ten years I have been in business in Chippenham this bank holiday weekend has always been an important part of the economic health of Chippenham's business community.

A great deal of money is spent in the town over the three days in shops, hotels, restaurants, pubs etc.,

On a personal note I, and no doubt many others, have made many acquaintances over the years and each year these people return to say hello, catch up on the news and share a laugh or two. They enjoy being here.

The only disappointment is the apparent lack of support from the local authorities.

Why is it not possible to put up some colourful bunting in the town? (It was apparent for the royal visit).

Why can't an effort be made each year to try and get Chippenham in Bloom underway before the folk festival?

Considering the importance of this weekend in "putting Chippenham on the map" and the usually proactive attitude to events in the town, surely a few touches to enhance the town and aid the organisers would be appropriate?

Come on, let's see a little more of Chippenham Town Council's million pound precept being directed toward this truly outstanding event.

Having said that, the town council's street cleaners should be commended for their efforts over the weekend.

