AMBITIOUS plans are under way to transform the Neeld Hall into a major concert and community venue.

The scheme is being spearheaded by Chippenham Town Council, the Mayor and the town's Kandu Arts group, and it is hoped that bands could be playing at the venue as early as this September.

Aimed at giving young people a platform to perform, as well as learn new skills in music, theatre and the arts, the plans, according to Ed Deedigan, director of Kandu Arts, are long overdue.

"Chippenham has always had a lot of creative young people, but unfortunately, there is very little in the way of venues for them to express that," he said.

"Local bands like Toy Machine, who have competed in the national Battle of the Bands competition, currently rely on pubs to play in, but that excludes thousands of young people from watching them, because they are too young to go along.

"But the Neeld Hall is a fabulous venue which has recently been refurbished and which has huge potential.

"And from September we will be organising a whole host of major musical, theatrical and other arts events.

"We are talking an eclectic mix of entertainment everything from rock music to folk, plays to pantomime.

"We already have bands lined up to play, both local musicians and bands from places like London and Birmingham and any money raised from these events will then be used to set up Saturday workshops for local people to learn about things like film-making, theatre and music."

While Mr Deedigan has the contacts to attract bands and other performance groups to the Neeld Hall, he admits that funding will play a huge part in the project's success.

"We will be looking for sponsorship and funding from local businesses and are already been approaching people," he said.

"The fact is that young people look to the facilities provided for them as a measure of their value in the local community and unfortunately, that measure is pretty low in Chippenham at the moment.

"We think the time has come for people to put their money where their mouths are and help establish a place where the young people of this town can have fun, express themselves and develop their talents."

Chippenham Mayor, Desna Allen, called the plans "very exciting" and pledged to play an active part in attracting funding.

"The Neeld Hall is an excellent venue which has been wanted by the people of Chippenham as a community venue for a long time," she said.

"I believe that young people need to feel they are part of the town to really take pride in it, but there is so much negativity about young people, I think they tend to feel that they are just seen as a nuisance.

"I have nominated youth projects as my cause during my mayoral year and I will be doing all I can to help Kandu get the sponsorship and funding it needs to help the plans reach their full potential.

"The Neeld Hall could be the community venue this town so desperately needs."

The Neeld Hall recently underwent a £150,000 refurbishment, including new stage curtains, heating and lighting. The venue's kitchen has also been given a major revamp.

Mr Deedigan would like to hear from bands, theatre groups and other youth organisations interested in staging events at the Neeld Hall.

They, along with local businesses that are also interested in getting involved, are asked to contact him at Kandu Arts, Room 5, Station Hill House, Station Hill, Chippenham, SN15 1EQ, or telephone him on (01249) 444009.