THE people of Highworth could tell you his name because he has blighted their lives for longer than anybody can reasonably be expected to endure in a supposedly decent society.

The police could tell you his name because they have had so many dealings with him that they are probably as sick of the sight of him as many other people in that town.

The guards at the young offenders institution where he is beginning a term of detention after breaking an Anti-Social Behaviour Order could also tell you his name.

The Government says we should be able to tell you his name because it claims to be cracking down on such behaviour.

But Swindon Magistrates Court says we cannot name this 15-year-old one-boy crime wave even though that very court has the power to make his name public. We say this is nothing short of a disgrace and an affront to the decent people the law of this country is supposed to serve.

The boy, should he wish, can resume his unlawful activities without any troublesome media interference.

It is always nice to know where the priorities of our great institutions lie, but this newspaper is not prepared to let such judgements thwart the public's right to know.

And we shall fight for that right.