THREE months after she is due to give birth, Lady Venetia Fuller from Box is planning to climb to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa to raise money for a homeless people's charity.

The team of seven people will be embarking upon the five-day trek to the summit of Africa's highest mountain 5,895 metres high later this year.

The Kilimanjaro Challenge will take place from September 13 to 21 and the team is aiming to raise a minimum of £9,000 for the Bath charity, Julian House, which helps homeless men and women.

Lady Fuller, 33, already has a two-year-old son, Archie, and her baby is due in two weeks.

Before moving to Box to look after the family estate she worked in London as a volunteer for a homeless people's charity.

The team hopes to raise money for the charity through sponsorship and is offering Wiltshire businesses the opportunity to have their corporate logo flown from the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, in return for a donation.

Lady Fuller said: "We were looking for a way in which to motivate local businesses to support Julian House and thought the idea of climbing a mountain would appeal since it has many parallels with the business world."

The organisation is best known for its busy night shelter but much of its work is directed towards solving the underlying problems that force people onto the street.

The charity also has a day centre with access to primary health care and mental health support plus resettlement advice. For details on supporting the project, call Lady Fuller (01225) 810279 or Cecil Weir at Julian House on (01225) 354652.