FARMER Tim Carson is to take part in a 250-mile sponsored bike ride across South Africa despite suffering a serious back problem that brought his own sporting career to an end.

Mr Carson, 42, who farms at Alton Barnes, near Pewsey, is setting out for Cape Town on June 14 to take part in the bike ride in aid of Regain, a charity that supports the victims of sports injuries.

He said: "It is a cause very dear to my heart. It provides equipment for people paralysed by sports injuries. I had to give up sport and most of my farming activities after suffering serious back problems.

"But I can still walk, cycle and swim, which many people with serious sports injuries cannot. When I read about their problems, I realise how lucky I am."

Mr Carson was a keen player at rugby, squash and tennis but a spinal injury, which left him in excruciating agony, has put paid to all that. He underwent surgery for what surgeons thought was a herniated disc but when they operated they found the vertebra had broken and they had to remove the pieces.

He said: "I have been told to be extremely careful now. I cannot drive a tractor, lift or carry anything, which means I cannot do 90 per cent of farm work. Sport and farming have been my whole life, but at least I can still walk."

Another disappointment struck when the original plan to cycle through Kenya had to be changed as a result of political unrest in the country.

Mr Carson said: "We will be driven up into the Karoo and then cycle back to Cape Town, taking five days to do the 250 miles. We will take the garden route which I have done before while on rugby tours. It will be very enjoyable, I know, but I was really looking forward to experiencing a new country."

Mr Carson has already raised £5,000 in sponsorship but it always prepared to accept more. Anyone who would like to sponsor him can call him on (01672) 851413.