BUSINESS Link Berkshire and Wiltshire is offering company directors the chance to find out how good they really are at their job.

How good a director are you?, which can be found in the diagnostic and tools section of Business Link's website,, gives directors and owner/managers of small to medium sized companies a free online self-assessment questionnaire.

It is designed to help them identify areas in which they have developed strong ability and confidence, as well as areas that provide the opportunity to develop further skills.

The results of the ten-question test can be used as a basis for a meeting with a specialist adviser from Business Link Berkshire and Wiltshire.

"This is not a knowledge test of good practices, but it is an opportunity to look objectively at individuals' views and ideas on running a business and how effective they are," says Helen Thompson, gateway manager at Business Link Berkshire and Wiltshire.

"We advise the participant to think about what they do rather than what they should do the more honest you are, the more you'll get from the questionnaire.

"Taking stock of your strengths and development opportunities as a director or owner/manager will help you to run a successful business."

For more information contact Business Link Berkshire and Wiltshire on 0845 600 41 41.