SOME people love him and some hate him but maverick GP Barnie Williams brings out strong feelings in lots of people.

The Kennet and North Wiltshire Primary Care Trust has had enough of him and would like to see the back of him after a number of fallings out which they say left him in breach of his contract.

But many of his patients think he is the best doctor they could have and they were prepared to stand up and be counted when a public meeting for his surgery was held in Chippenham.

Trust chief executive Barbara Smith was quick to tell patients they would continue to receive the best of care from the trust even if they were Dr Williams' patients and even if he was not welcome out of hours at Chippenham Hospital they would be.

But this week one patient who contacted us had a different story.

She was suffering from a painful stomach condition at the weekend and was wanted to be seen but when she revealed the name of her GP she was told she would have to go to Malmesbury Hospital instead.

This is clearly an unsatisfactory state of affairs and the health trust is investigating.

This woman was able to get to Malmesbury by car and is thankfully now recovered.

But what would have happened if the patient had been a young mother with a sick baby and no transport to a town ten miles away.

When people are sick or are looking after an ill child they are already worried. They do not need this added stress. It is time this situation was sorted out.