Speeding drivers in Wiltshire caught out by mobile cameras are receiving hefty fines and driving bans.

The police safety camera unit has been moving around the county to try and catch drivers breaking the law.

A 30-year-old man from Calne was recently fined £450 and disqualified for three months after driving at 111mph in a 60 mph zone on the A4 at Yatesbury.

David Frampton, the safety camera unit manager said speeding drivers were endangering not only their own lives but also the lives of other road users.

"There is a reason why speed limits exist and we want to assure Wiltshire people that we are targeting routes with a history of speeding involving serious and sometimes fatal accidents," he said.

The unit hopes to cut the number of people seriously injured or killed in road collisions by 40 per cent by 2010.

Last year more than 3,500 people were killed or injured on Wiltshire's roads.

PC Mike Rose is part of the team manning the cameras in areas such as the A350 from Chippenham to the M4 roundabout.

"It was unbelievable to watch vehicles being driven so dangerously and irresponsibly," he said.