AN 11-year old Golden Retriever bit off more than he could chew on Saturday after a casual swim in the Avon at Durrington netted him a 6lb rainbow trout.

Buster had been out for a walk with owners Helen and Tony Peacock and their younger dog, Dudley, when he decided he needed to cool off.

"He went in to the river for a swim and just, out of the blue, put his head in the water, dived under and came up with the trout in his mouth," said Mrs Peacock (45), of River Way, Durrington.

"He then put it onto the river bank, got out, picked it up and carried on as if nothing had happened."

But Buster was clearly very proud of his large catch - something every fisherman dreams of.

"He was strutting up and down the path, showing everybody who wanted to look what he had caught," said Mrs Peacock.

"He knew he had done a good job because his tail was wagging."

She added: "He's never done anything like this before - he's picked them up when they've been lying on the side but never dived for them."

Buster was taken home and photographed with his amazing catch before Mr Peacock returned to the river and gave the fish to two young boys.

"They hadn't caught anything, not even a little tiddler," said Mrs Peacock.

"Buster hadn't punctured it - probably because he's hardly got any teeth - so it was nice to be able to give it to them."

This was clearly one fish that did not get away.