THE District Auditor will launch an investigation this month into allegations of malpractice surrounding the sale of the Newcroft Allotments by Calne Town Council.

Furious former allotment holders and residents living adjacent to the site believe the six acres of land, which was sold for £1.35 million, should have fetched far more.

Housing land in Calne can fetch £600,000 an acre, which would have netted the town council more than £3.5 million.

In a letter to the ombudsman written in April on behalf of the angry townsfolk, district councillor John Ireland claimed the town council did not sell the land at best value and alleged there were irregularities during negotiations with the allotment tenants.

The ombudsman passed the letter to the district auditor who will investigate the town council on June 13. A report of the auditor's findings will be put before the town council on July 14.

Coun Ireland said he believed the decision to launch the investigation suggests the auditor suspects there may be a case to answer.

"What they have done is sold this land for just over £200,000 an acre and that just does not compute," said Coun Ireland.

"By going in to investigate, the auditor will be looking at the whole aspect surrounding the sale of the land to see whether the council acted properly throughout. Depending on what he finds in his report it could be the basis for future action and ultimately it might result in criminal action."

North Wiltshire District Council approved plans to build 121 houses, 17 housing association homes and 26 allotments on the site at a meeting on March 12.

In the letter written by Coun Ireland, residents also complained they received no proper notification from the council about plans to develop the site.

Coun Ireland said the council is in the process of setting up a complaints panel to allow residents to express their concerns.

But Calne town clerk Ann Kingdon said: "The council has nothing to hide. The town council's auditors are carrying out an investigation into the allotments with which the council will cooperate fully."