SHOP owner Maddie Leighton is so anxious to sell up her costume hire business before stalker Nicholas England is released from prison that she says she is willing to accept any reasonable offer.

In February, England, 44, from Middleton Cheney, Oxfordshire, was jailed for the third time for breaching an order restraining him from contacting Ms Leighton, his former partner. A judge at Salisbury Crown Court sent him to prison for nine months but he is due for release on June 30.

By that time, Ms Leighton hopes to be far away, having taken a job in the London area.

She said: "I can't take any more of it.

"He has made my life a misery for the last two years. Last year they let him out of prison a week early and the first I knew of it was when he turned up at the shop."

Ms Leighton's costume hire business, Ab Fab in New Park Street, comes complete with 1,500 costumes. The annual turnover is about £27,000.

The running of the shop will be left in the hands of staff, but if no buyer turns up in the next couple of months, Ms Leighton will be left with no alternative but to wind the business up.