WILTSHIRE County Council's chief executive, Dr Keith Robinson, will join members of his staff and the public to cycle 26 miles from County Hall, in Trowbridge, to the Bustard Hotel, near Larkhill, as part of National Bike Week next week.

Members of staff from West Wiltshire District Council, Kennet District Council, Salisbury District Council and Wiltshire Health Promotion will also be taking part in the Bustard Ride.

Trowbridge cyclists will be leaving County Hall at 9.45am on Monday, June 16, with other cyclists starting from Devizes and Salisbury at the same time.

The Bustard Hotel has been chosen as the destination because the bustard a bird once common in the county forms part of Wiltshire County Council's official crest.

Bike Week which incorporates Bike2 Work Week is a national campaign to promote the benefits of cycling and encourage more people to take it up.

Bill Prendergast, Wiltshire County Council's Travelwise manager, said: "Encouraging people to switch from car to bike has significant environmental benefits, by cutting congestion and pollution.

"Cycling is also great fun, and by taking regular exercise cyclists ensure they stay fit and healthy.

"I am delighted that so many members of staff at the county and district councils, including the county council's chief executive, have decided to support the Bustard Ride.

"I hope that members of the public will also support Bike Week, and that as many people as possible will take part in events organised during the week."

A series of rides and events are planned in Wiltshire throughout the week. Full details of all bike rides during the week are available by contacting Travelwise at Wiltshire County Council on (01225) 713388 or www.wiltshire.gov.uk. Click on Transport, then Travelwise, then What's New.