DEVIZES School's bid for sports college status got a boost from a local sports club this week when Ed Davies, the chairman of Bishops Cannings Cricket Club, handed over a cheque for £1,500.

The money was raised from an auction during the club's recent sportsmen's dinner, where cricket veteran David Lloyd and former boxing champion John Conteh were guest speakers. The items up for auction were an England rugby shirt, signed by the victorious grand slam squad, which sold for £740; a signed Leeds United football shirt, which raised £260 and a cricket bat signed by English, Sri Lankan and Indian players, which fetched £160.

A pair of white boxing gloves signed by Mr Conteh made £160.

Devizes School has to raise £50,000 in sponsorship to qualify for sports college status and attract extra funding from the Department for Education and Skills.

headteacher Malcolm Irons says the bid is going well and pledges havereached £37,500.

"We are incredibly grateful to all the businesses and people who have contributed," he said.