THE blueprint for development in the Devizes area in the next 12 years has been published.

Copies of the Devizes Community Area Plan were delivered to homes throughout Devizes and its satellite villages this week, following two years of discussion and consultation with local people.

It has been published by the Devizes Community Area Planning Partnership.

The partnership includes representatives of local councils, voluntary organisations and conservation groups.

The main thrust of the plan covers health and social care, crime and community protection and transport.

The plan calls for a new community hospital in Devizes or the retention of an adequate range of hospital and health-care services in the town.

It seeks to ensure adequate child-care provision so that parents and carers can go out to work or train for a better job.

Better services for older people and sufficient supported housing for vulnerable people are identified as important aims.

Under the heading of transport, a well-co-ordinated, accessible, high-quality public transport network for the area is a priority as part of the community area transport plan.

Car parking, it states, should be considered as part of an integrated transport plan fitting in with the Devizes Retail Revival Strategy, commissioned by Devizes Development Partnership from a team at Bournemouth University.

Although Wiltshire is one of the safest counties in England and Kennet district has one of the lowest levels of crime in the county, fear of crime remains a cause for concern.

The plan calls for a reduction in crime by two per cent per annum.

As many crimes are drug-related, there is a target of increasing the number of drug users taking treatment from 118 to 607 over the next three years.

Not far behind the three main priority areas are the economy, housing and education.

Kennet District Council, in collaboration with the South West Regional Development Agency, is looking to put together a "master plan" for Devizes, bringing together the many reports and strategies that have been developed in the last ten to 15 years.

There is a target of attracting more major High Street names to the town while retaining the small, individual specialist shops.

To this end, the plan supports the DDP's desire to employ a town centre manager with a fair proportion of the funding for the post coming from the business sector.

The county council's structure plan calls for an additional 7,000 houses to be built in Kennet district before 2011.

About 4,400 of these have already been built or are in the pipeline.

In the Devizes community area, more than 2,000 houses have been built since 1991 and a further 500 are allocated for future development.

To make sure the new developments are in keeping with the historic character of the area, local people will be involved in the preparation of planning briefs for significant new developments.

Their views will also be sought when future plans are prepared for the provision of schools, community facilities, recreation space, public transport and recycling facilities.

There is also the hope that a new college will be built in Devizes.

Funding for improvements in Devizes and its surrounding villages has come from the Market and Coastal Towns Initiative.

About £70,000 was made available to the town through this scheme to finance "quick win" projects.

Devizes is one of two towns in the county to pilots this scheme.

The money has been used to finance schemes such as the new gateway signs at the five road entrances to the town and the town's Christmas markets which were held in in 2001 and last year.

It has also funded the retail revival strategy, a communications strategy, youth work in the surrounding villages and the installation of electronic information points in Devizes Visitor Centre.

On crime and community protection, the plan gives a target to reduce residential burglaries, car crime and violent crime by two per cent a year.

Now the Devizes Community Area Planning Partnership is moving toward its next stage the creation of action plans for each of its themes.

People who have ideas on future actions to be included in the next version of the plan, should contact Val Powley in the Community Partnership Liaison Office at Kennet on (01380) 734821. Alternatively, e-mail

Copies of the plan are now available from Kennet District Council offices, Devizes Visitor Centre and Devizes Library.

Plans for health and social care

A new community hospital for the town

More child-care so mothers can go out to work or get training

Better facilities and access for disabled people

Use community centres to better advantage

More supported housing for vulnerable people

Better services for older people to encourage them to stay independent in their own homes

Support families through rurally based services

Promotion of complementary therapies at a local level

Transport plans

Support the development of a well co-ordinated, accessible, high-quality, public transport network

Sufficient public car parking to ensure the town remains a viable retail and business centre

Provide cycle parking spaces in Devizes town centre

Increase the number of trips to Devizes School by bus, cycling and walking from 77.5 per cent in 1998 to a minimum of 85 per cent by 2006

Support community initiatives to control speeding

Carry out a feasibility study into a by-pass for Devizes

Carry out a feasibility study on a railway station for Devizes