Mark Hiscock, of Roseland Avenue, Devizes, has been put on a community rehabilitation order after he was drunk and disorderly in the town's Market Place twice in seven days.

Hiscock, 29, appeared at Kennet Magistrates Court in Devizes on Tuesday and admitted the offences which happened late on May 16 and 23, both Friday nights.

Anna Humphreys prosecuting said: "On the first occasion police officers attended the Market Place and saw the defendant acting aggressively. He was shouting and swearing and threatening another male."

Despite police requests to go home Hiscock carried on and he was arrested and bailed to appear in court but committed the other offence on May 23.

Miss Humphreys said Hiscock was aggressive towards police and continued to threaten them after being arrested in the Market Place.

She said Hiscock, told police he had an alcohol problem. Representing himself in court Hiscock said: "I lost my mum last year through alcohol and I lost my brother four years ago. I was drinking a lot when I got arrested."

Hiscock said since his arrest he had contacted several organisations about his drinking and is now on a waiting list to see a counsellor.

After considering a report on Hiscock by the probation service magistrates put him on a nine-month community rehabilitation order which will include counselling for bereavement and post traumatic stress. No order was made for prosecution costs.