CAR park attendant Tim Merritt went to work dressed in a suit in a bid to find a new job.

Mr Merritt, 50, was shocked to discover he was being laid off from his part-time job as the car park attendant at the One Stop Shop in the Market Place, Devizes.

He was told last Tuesday that his services were no longer required because the car park was not making enough money to cover his wages.

Two days later Mr Merritt spruced himself up and went to work in a suit, rather than his normal jeans, T-shirt and West Ham football club hat.

He said: "There's a lot of office staff who use the car park and someone might have spotted me wearing a suit and it might have led to a job.

"A lot of people said they admired my initiative at trying to find a job."

Mr Merritt worked three days a week as One Stop's parking attendant. He finished working there on Saturday after six months. He was previously a machine operator at Linpac in Devizes for 25 years.

Mr Merritt, who lives with his mother in Hillworth Gardens, Devizes, said: "I loved being the car parking attendant at One Stop. I love meeting people and I was out in the fresh air. I wished I had done a job like that sooner."

A spokeswoman for One Stop said: "We employed a car park attendant because the ticket machine kept breaking down and people were not parking properly.

"The ticket machine is now fully working so we will not be employing another car attendant."