The carnival committee has notified traders that it has applied for the formal road closure for carnival day.

It has applied for the High Street to be closed from 6am to 8pm on Sunday September 14 while a craft fair takes place in the town centre and for the afternoon carnival procession.

: Members of the town council have hand-delivered more than 4,000 copies of the council's new newsletter The Greyhound to homes in the town and in Manton. The council plans to bring out quarterly editions to help keep townspeople in touch with council activities.

The chairman of Aldbourne Parish Council is still Coun Chris Humphries, the Kennet District Council leader, and not as stated in last week's Gazette. The vice-chairman is Coun Keith Evill.

: St Mary's Infants' School is holding its summer fte in the school grounds in Ducks Meadow on June 14, from 10am to noon.

The mayor and mayoress, Coun Bill Cavill and his wife Tricia will be attending the mayor making ceremony in the city of Salisbury on Saturday.

KENNET VALLEY: The KVADS dramatic society is staging a comedy Kindly Keep It Covered in the Kennet Valley hall on June 20 and 21. Tickets available from Jean Clements (01672) 861423 or from Razorbill in Marlborough (01672) 515722.

RAMSBURY: Three vacancies on the parish council have been filled by the co-option of Diann Barnett, Geoffrey Treherne and Paul Court.

The monthly Farmers' Market takes place in the town hall on June 14 from 9am to 1pm, with a variety of local goods including organic produce.