Work has started on a £573,000 sports pavilion in Highworth.

Highworth mayor, Ken Poulton, got the shovel work underway, ending a 10-year campaign to improve facilities for Highworth Junior Football Club.

Some 200 youngsters, aged from six to 16, currently have to use a temporary building some way from the pitch, or change in cars.

Bernard Berry, chairman of the club, said: "It's great to see the building work finally get underway. It's going to make such a big difference to the football club, and will be a huge benefit for the girls' teams, who need their own changing space.

"The old changing room was okay but it had become a bit grotty. This new pavilion will be at the pitch."

Coun Poulton said: "It's wonderful that work has started. It used to be quite a trek for the children from the old changing room, but now they will have a facility to be proud of."

The pavilion, located on the lower section of the recreation ground, off the A361, will have six changing rooms, a lounge, kitchen and stores.

There are currently 12 teams which play for the club.

The Football Foundation stumped up £478,000, while the rest was raised locally through donations and various fundraising events.

Work is expected to finish in January 2004.

For further information about the football teams call 01793 763047.