AN OLD Town pub ranks among the best in the country for serving good beer.

Landlord Ted Kukielko of the Roaring Donkey in Albert Street is celebrating after his pub was one of just 16 to win a beer and cellar management quality competition run by pub giant Inspired.

The firm owns more than 1,100 bars throughout Britain.

Mr Kukielko has been in charge at the Roaring Donkey for two years.

He said: "A team came down from the brewery and inspected my cellar to see how clean and organised it was before tasting every beer I serve.

"It's quite good to be chosen out of more than 1,000 pubs but it is straightforward you just follow the proper procedures and clean the lines regularly.

"I've got brilliant staff and I've made sure they are well trained and know how to pour a proper pint.

"That is what's important in any pub. If you give people a good pint they will come back."