SUPPORTERS of the 1st Wootton Bassett Scout Group have donated a cheque for £700.

The cheque was presented at the group's AGM at the Scout HQ.

Group Scout leader Eileen Lambourne praised the work of her colleagues and thanked supporters for their contributions, which help to maintain premises, equipment and activities.

She said: "Gift Aid continues to give us much needed funds, and most parents have signed up. Any who have not done so may obtain a form from their son's section leader."

She appealed for more parents to join the executive committee, which meets every ten weeks.

Mayor, Coun Marion Sweet, praised the Scouts' continuing contribution to the life of the town and commended the dedicated work of leaders, who give so much time and effort to benefit young people.

Special thanks were offered to Mary Harrison for her help with Kingfisher Beavers.

After the business session, the meeting continued informally with refreshments, provided by the supporters' group.