A GROUP of Swindon dancers have been chosen to appear in a professional show at the Wyvern Theatre.

About 25 students from the Tanwood School of Dance and the Performing Arts in Dowling Street will be performing in four numbers as part of the show Turn On The Taps.

Pollyann Tanner, joint director of Tanwood, said: "Heaven Productions is a professional dance company that performs all over the country. At each venue they pick a dance school to take part in the show.''

The younger Swindon dancers will perform Me and My Girl dressed as pearly kings and queens, along with another number, Ain't Got That Swing. The senior dancers will deliver Too Damn Hot and Washington, with solos from Kelly Edwards and Chloe Little.

The dancers, ranging in age from nine to 16, knew about the performance a month ago.

But with competition for their time coming from A-levels, GCSEs and dance festivals all over the South West, it is only now that they are giving their full attention to the show.

Pollyann said: "We are rehearsing like mad. It is a happy song and dance show using modern and tap dance.''

She and her students have been going through the repertoire to choose the right numbers for the show.

She added: "It is a great experience for them to dance in a professional company.''

Pollyann runs the dance school with her mother, Mollie Tanner and they are both delighted that their students swept the board at the recent Western-super-Mare Dance Festival. The Tanwood dancers netted 42 gold medals out of 47 classes.

Johnny Tudor and the Heaven dancers and singers will star in Turn On The Taps alongside the Tanwood dancers on Sunday, June 15, at the Wyvern Theatre, from 7.30pm.

Tickets cost from £10.50. For details call (01793) 524481.