A SWINDON pastor is spreading his message on Sky TV.

Pastor Andrew Colthart, 60, from Gorse Hill, has his own weekly show called Heart2Heart on the Sky Digital Life Channel and is attracting viewers from across the UK.

Pastor Andrew said: "It is the best way to reach people from all walks of life and introduce them to God. The response has been fantastic and every week we touch more people who have never been to church."

The 15-minute Sunday programme, which airs at 12.30pm, features religious talks, gospel music and also invites viewers to phone in and chat.

Pastor Andrew arrived in Swindon three years ago to set up a new Pentecostal church, the Lakeside Christian Fellowship.

Based in Reuben George Hall in Park South, he hopes to help people who would not consider themselves religious.

He said: "We meet twice a week, on Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons. People of all ages come along and we now have 40 regulars. Last week someone saw my show then came along to our church in the afternoon."

His desire to spread the word even further was prompted by the death of his wife, Lily, who died of breast cancer last June.

The pastor said: "It was so sudden I could scarcely believe it. But I decided to stay in Swindon and trust in God."

Last January he took a demo tape along to a Sky TV branch in Heritage House, Old Town, and asked for a regular slot.

Sky TV agreed and pastor Andrew pays the firm £250 for each programme broadcast. He said: "They don't pay me, I pay them. But it is more than worth it because we have access to such a large audience. A property trust has helped me foot the bill."

Pastor Andrew also has helpers who are involved with the show.

Farideh Sharneck, from Stratton St Margaret, takes calls from female viewers and Steve Bell, from Wroughton, performs magic for the Heart2Heart children's show, which is screened once a month.

Mrs Sharneck said: "The show really helps the community. We also get calls from as far afield as Scotland and Ireland. Callers talk about their problems in total confidence and are really hungry for care, attention and love."

The programme is shown on Channel 202 Sky Digital Life.
