FAIR DEAL FOR OUR SCHOOLS: THREE years ago Wroughton Infant School was in line to be demolished and completely rebuilt.

Swindon Council had bid for government cash to carry out the work. But the bid was unsuccessful and since then no more money has been spent on the school.

According to headteacher, Susan Pagett, the school is now beyond repair.

It has five temporary mobile classrooms, two built in the 1960s with no indoor toilet.

Instead children are forced to climb a steep flight of steps to an outdoor toilet.

The school's main building is more than a 100-years-old, and the hall is on the other side of a road meaning pupils have to walk outside in all weathers just to attend assembly.

Even Ofsted inspectors said the accommodation was one of the school's major weaknesses.

Its last report, published in January 2002, said that "some features of the accommodation are unsatisfactory" citing the cramped mobiles, off site hall, outdoor toilets and the fact the early years unit must be used as a dining area as weaknesses.

The school does have some indoor toilets but pupils using the two mobile classrooms which have been built without toilets must use the outside facilities.

Mrs Pagett said: "I have been here for five years and I have been trying to get the outdoor toilets replaced since I arrived.

"Our children might only be here for three years but they still deserve better accommodation than we have.

"It has been incredibly frustrating as head, because nothing seems to get done. Four years ago the then council leader Sue Bates stood up in a meeting and said no schools had outside toilets anymore, which was not true.

"Swindon has been starved of cash for years. We need a fairer system for all.

"I don't wish to knock the council because it has given us a lot of extra money this year but it all seems to have been swallowed up by the pensions and National Insurance increases."