READING through the columns of the Evening Advertiser I came across an article under Problems Solved, questions and answers by Fiona Caine (Saturday May 31).

It concerned a lady of 55 who had become very friendly with a gentleman of 67, whom she had met at a rest home where she is a volunteer helper. Her dilemma was that she had fallen in love with him but he only has a few months to live.

I am certainly no authority on problems of the heart, but I was saddened by Fiona Caine's answer. She advised this lady to be cautious and keep her relationship with this man just on a friendship only level, as she must know that there can be no future together. So the kindest thing would be to keep her feelings to herself although it will hurt.

I am afraid that I must disagree. Although this is a sad situation, I think it is wonderful to find love, especially in late life, and although I would not presume to know how this gentleman would react to being told that he was loved by someone, I would like to think that it would bring him much happiness and comfort at a time when there seems to be little hope for his long term future.

Happiness is one of life's greatest gifts and should be treasured and shared wherever possible. To have the chance of sharing and caring, no matter for how long, surely must be the right answer.

And when you are on your own again, you will have the comfort and memories of such a wonderful togetherness with someone you loved and were able to fill his days of uncertainty with just being there for him.

None of us has the knowledge of our allotted time, so make the most of what you have and be happy while there is still time.

Take care of each other.


Windsor Road