TEACHERS at Stonar School in Atworth are preparing for Europe's largest corporate team-building exercise.

Stonar is the only school competing in the Microsoft Challengers Trophy.

The school's heads of chemistry, geography and PE will compete against over 100 teams from 50 organisations. The three-day event is held in Snowdonia this week. Tests include running, mountain biking, canoeing, scaling cliffs, tackling assault courses or performing engineering tasks, thinking laterally and making critical decisions.

The Stonar team is one of over 100 from over 50 companies raising cash for the NSPCC's FULL STOP Camp-aign to end cruelty to children.

Awards will be made for the team completing the course in the fastest time and for the team raising the most money. The team's entry fee was raised through a series of sponsored events many of which were organised by pupils.