AN association for ex-servicemen in Trowbridge has cancelled its biggest event of the year after it lost members and could not find enough people to organise it.

The Trowbridge and District White Ensign Association will not host the Remembrance Day Concert this year after several committee members could no longer commit their time to the event.

The event has drawn huge audiences in its four-year history.

The secretary of the association, Charles Luckhurst, said: "The event has always been very popular. The first half was aimed at the young people of the town and the second half had more of an operatic feel.

"It has always done so much to raise money for charities aimed at the services, and it would be a real shame to lose the event from Trowbridge's calendar."

Mr Luckhurst is appealing for anyone who wants to take on the project to get in touch.

He said: "We only have 20 weeks left before the concert is scheduled, but I would be very happy to help support someone who could run the event this year."

If anyone wants to help organise this year's Remembrance Day Concert they can contact Mr Luckhurst on (01225) 753735.