A PARTY of German visitors, from Swindon's twin town of Salzgitter, celebrated the final day of their bi-annual visit at a farewell meal.

A 15-strong group from Salz-gitter, who have been staying with host families in Swindon for their 10-day stay, attended a banquet thrown by members of the Swindon-Salzgitter Twinning Association at the Coleview Community Centre in Towcester Road.

Chairwoman of the Swindon branch of the association, Doreen Dart, said: "Each of our visitors here are staying with local families, to further their experience of living in England.

"We have organised a full programme of events for them, including visits to Hampton Court, Devizes and a trip on the Kennet and Avon Canal. We alternate our annual visits, and this year it is the Germans turn to come over here."

Ilse Voss, chairwoman of the German arm of the twinning club, explained that German and British culture was very similar: "I like coming and I like the British people very much.

"Everywhere we go, people are polite and very friendly to us. We love coming over to stay with British people, because you really do learn what it is like to live in a different country.

"It is more than just a holiday."

The twinning association was launched in 1975 and is now in its 28th year.