I'm writing in reply to a letter I saw in your paper "I'd like to ask the young males that drive round and round". It's nice to see she thinks it's only lads that do it because that isn't true, that's sexist.

And as for "you can tell when it's summer, just stand on the High Street and listen", what does she think we do, turn the music down in the winter?

"No-one is impressed that you can play loud music." I'm sure some people are. But that's not what it's about enjoying loud music is not to show off.

There are actually some of the older generation who are impressed by loud music.

"They cannot hear the approach of police cars, fire engines." I don't know about every cruiser, but the ones I know (and I know a lot of them) look in their mirrors all the time. I know I certainly do so if there was a police car or fire engine approaching they would see it.

I'm sorry but you cannot start taking people's licences away because they play loud music.

There's already a law about playing loud music after midnight so if people do it then it's their own fault what happens to them.

