LAWYERS were busy making final arrangements to complete the deal for the purchase of the Goldiggers site, before the deadline of midnight last night.

Developers E&J Redditch Ltd, which wants to pull down the former nightclub and cinema in Timber Street to create a food and drink outlet, had to complete negotiations and buy the site from North Wiltshire District Council before the deadline or the deal could fall through.

The day before the deadline E&J director Barry Jones was optimistic everything would go to plan.

"The lawyers involved in the contract are moving forward," he said. "Now we are waiting for the funds to be transferred."

He said he expected to submit a detailed planning application within four to six weeks

"We have got some tenants on board, but they can't commit until the whole thing has been completed," he said.

E&J has already obtained planning permission to change the use of the building from a nightclub to a food and drink outlet.

The district council, as landlords, also agreed to the demolition of the historic Art Deco building.

District council leader Coun Ruth Coleman said; "Lawyers are working away on the deal but we will not know if it will go through until we have all the money in our hands."