DEVIZES is set to lose its court house with the announcement that a brand new one is to be built in Salisbury.

For some time now it has been known that that the writing was on the wall for justice in Kennet.

Despite protests the decision had already been made to move most cases away from Devizes and send them to Chippenham or Andover.

These days little more than driving offences are held in the town that once had a proud tradition of hearing important cases.

But the prestigious Assize court building has been left to rot and the portable buildings which became a temporary home more than a decade ago have more than had their day.

It has become clear over the years that Devizes would lose out. Marlborough had already lost its court a number of years ago and now Devizes is set to follow suit.

The whole point of summary trial has always been that it has been justice for the people by the people. It is meant to be delivered by people who understand the way of life of those who they are passing sentence on.

But even though Kennet will continue to appoint magistrates how long will it be before few will volunteer when they have to travel for almost and hour in each direction before sitting on the bench.

This decision announced this week by the Lord Chancellor is wrong. It goes against the rule of law and it should be be fought.

Devizes should have a court house. People who live in Kennet should be tried in Kennet and they should have the right to be tried by others from the same district.

The increase is travelling is also sure to make justice more expensive. Solicitors will claim back their travelling costs and so will the justices of the peace.

There will also be the loss of time of police officers who have to travel far further to give evidence. Whoever is responsible for this ludicrous decision should stand up and be counted.